A guitar's scale length is calculated by measuring the distance from the front edge of the nut, where it butts against the end of the fingerboard, to the center of the 12th (octave) fret, then doubling that measurement.  If your 1930's Gibson L-OO, for example, measures 12-3/8" at the 12th fret, then your guitar's scale length is twice that—a 24-3/4" scale. For good intonation, the guitar's saddle will be placed so a little extra string length is added. This extra length is called "compensation," and it means the actual string length is longer than its 24-3/4" scale measurement. At the center of the saddle it will be closer to 24-7/8". Compensation varies for different strings, and that's why your saddle is placed at an angle.
The Long One of the most common scale lengths is the 25-1/2" guitar scale. Found on Stratocasters®, Telecasters®, and the huge variety of instruments inspired by them as well as the replacement, and custom parts available for them.
The 25-1/2" produces a rich, strong, bell-like tone, and defined low-end.
The Short The second most common is the 24-3/4" scale , this is what you will typically find on Les Paul® SG® and others, but it is also the most confusing of all scale lengths—this is because it rarely ever measures out to be 24-3/4 inches! This scale has gradually changed over the past fifty or so years due to changes in production equipment.
Being shorter than the Fender 25-1/2" scale, the Gibson 24-3/4" scale has a lower tension/easier to play feel, and a warmer tone. Gretch is also famous for it's 24.6" Scale which
The Middle When luthier Paul Reed Smith was developing guitars, he was looking to capture the harmonic richness of the Fender electric's tone as well as the fullness, warmth, and playability of the Gibson electric guitars. PRS opted for a scale length of 25", which is also found on Dobro and National guitars.
The bass strings on a 25" scale are fuller sounding than some 24-3/4" instruments, which can sometimes sound muddy. The treble strings are not only easier to bend than on a 25-1/2" scale, but also have a warmer, and fuller tone.
With our Dream Studio Guitars, we have a wide selection of Scales to allow you to find the perfect tone and pitch you are looking for , as well as the playability you are used to. You will find that by changing scale length, tone woods and pick ups, that you can get a wide variety of tones and have a ton of fun playing your instrument.
The Scales we use on our instruments are as follows:
Studio - 25.5" Twang - 25.5" Maverick - 24" Maverick 2 - 25.5" Majestic - 25.5" T-8 - 28" Mars Baritone - 30" Mars - 24.6" Young - 24.75" Jupiter - 24.6" El Diablo - 24.6" Eclipse - 24.6" Nightmare - 24.75 Dirty- 24.75 Y-7 - 26.5" The Venus- 24.6"
Basses - Studio - 34" Studio 2 -34" Maverick - 34" M-5 -34"